

We're a team with wide experience in FIWARE projects, both our own and consulting and development for others. We've worked with FIWARE since its beginnings in 2013.

Somos un equipo con amplia experiencia en proyectos FIWARE, tanto propios como en consultoría y desarrollo para terceros. Hemos trabajado con FIWARE desde su origen en 2013. or contact us directly here


We started working with FIWARE in the Campus Party London 2013

In this line, we have been working since 2013 with the FIWARE GEs and some of our main achievements have been: Award for the best FIWARE IoT project in London 2013, Finalists in the Smart Cities Hackathon of Santander with our Open Alerts project, Finalists in the Smart Cities Challenge held in Brazil, Finalists in the Smart Society Challenge held in Seville and lastly, the Program Of Acceleration by FI-C3, having finished the supervision like one of the cases of success.

En esta línea, llevamos trabajando desde 2013 con los GEs de FIWARE y algunos de nuestros principales logros han sido: Premio al mejor proyecto IoT de FIWARE en Londres 2013, Finalistas en la Hackathon de Santander Smart Cities con nuestro proyecto Open Alerts, Finalistas en el reto Smart Cities celebrado en Brasil, Finalistas en el reto Smart Society celebrado en Sevilla y por último, el Programa de Aceleración por FI-C3, habiendo terminado la supervisión como uno de los casos de éxito.

Best IoT-based application

Automated hotel management

Campus Party London 2013

Third prize in Smart City contest

Open Alerts

Santander, October 2013

Open Alerts byHS FIWARELink:

Finalist in FIWARE800k challenge

Quick Parking

Brazil, January 2014


Selected for Smart Society Challenge


Sevilla, October 2014


Our own project with FIWARE, accelerated by FI-C3.
Already finish as successful case project.

WIIM is a technological product in the service of Social Accesibility. Through a wireless system, integrated and connected to the internet (IoT), deaf people receive in a smartwatch necessary alerts and notifications that happen in their enviroment.

WIIM es un servicio tecnológico puesto al servicio de la Accesibilidad Social. A través de un sistema inalámbrico, integrado y conectado a internet (IoT), las personas sordas reciben en un smartwatch avisos y notificaciones necesarias que se producen en su entorno.

byHS FIWARE Cofunded by European Union project WIIMWIIM project Selected by FIWARELogo FI-C3 accelerator which WIIM byHS participated
byHS FIWARE WIIM project


We've helped companies to enter the A16 accelerators program and also other companies already accelerated to accomplish FIWARE goals successfully
Hemos ayudado a empresas a entrar en el programa de aceleradoras A16 y también a otras empresas ya aceleradas a superar los hitos de FIWARE con éxito

Power management for buildings

Prototype for FIWARE apply / Consulting & Development

We prepared initial reports and prototype for FIWARE application. This project was selected to participate in the program, from then on we offer our consulting and development services.

Generic Enablers: Orion, Cosmos, IDM, Mashups, Cloud Portal, Cygnus.

Mobility app with A.I.

Consulting & Development

This project could accomplished all the FIWARE goals with our development services.

Generic Enablers: Orion, Cosmos, IDM, Cloud Portal, Cygnus.

Noise level monitorization

Prototype for FIWARE apply / Consulting & Development

We started the software development for this project as part of Málaga council noice level campaign. With this project we did the adaptation to enter de FIWARE acceleration program successfully. Currently we are still giving support to the project.

Generic Enablers: Orion, Cosmos, IDM, Mashups, Cloud Portal, Cygnus, CEP, Monitoring GE.

Mobile brain fitness

Consulting & Development

We are developing the FIWARE architecture of this project (they already had one commercial version).

Generic Enablers: Cosmos, IDM, Cloud Portal.


Tell us briefly about your project and which Generic Enablers are expected to be used. Usually we arrange an Skype meeting to discover needs and we send the budget afterwards.

Cuéntanos brevemente tu proyecto y qué Generic Enablers están previsto usarse. Normalmente hacemos una reunión vía Skype para detectar necesidades y enviamos el presupuesto tras ella.